Saturday, May 23, 2015


Friday Night Likes - Participants of the FNL MAY "VAN BUILD"

Just when you thought you've seen a ton of customs for the week, there comes a ton more for your eyes' pleasure. Every 3rd Saturday of the MONTH, we will be posting customs that actually PARTICIPATED in the MONTHLY FNL (Friday Night Likes) CUSTOM CONTEST. Feel Free to visit the @fnlcustoms for more info and to see PAST ENTRIES...

REMINDER: The plan is to have this going every MONTH, to continue motivating all of you Diecast Customizers in creating the BEST custom possible. Don't forget to continue using the Hash Tag #lamleycustoms and #mrSenCTVTsFNLpicks to have the chance of being featured on this blog. You can also email your pics to Be sure to TITLE it "FNL PICS" and include your IG or Facebook Name. We also want to make it clear that the customs featured may not, and will not, always necessarily have any relation to the MONTHLY FNL CUSTOM CONTEST. There is a great chance though, that since the customs entered on the CONTEST were made for such a purpose, then these customs also to be featured. Thanks in advance for participating.

Here now are the customs that were entered in the FNL MAY "VAN BULD" Custom Contest...

This Month's WINNER... +Garrett Bellamy (Gooberspad) 

2nd Place Winner... +ScaleTuned Customz 

3rd Place Winner... @gr8_mini on IG

4th Place Winner... @430kustoms on IG

5th Place Winner... @pd_custom on IG

6th Place Winner... @diecast_zombeaz on IG

7th Place Winner... +David Kiley 

8th Place Winner... @freewolf82 on IG

9th Place Winner... @fils_customs on IG

Thank You Once Again to All Who Participated in this Month's Build and Good Luck on Your Next Custom Build. 

That is All for Now. Stay Tuned for Next Month's POST of FNL JUNE "VW BEETLE BUILD" Entries...

Take Care and God Bless...

- Seth Mananquil +mrSenCTVT aka @mrsenctvt on IG

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